Scratchie Scam

Scratchie Scam

Discover how to stay vigilant against scratchie scams and lottery fraud. Our guide provides practical tips for avoiding online scams, enhancing your fraud prevention measures, and staying informed about internet safety. Empower yourself with the knowledge needed to protect against lottery ticket scams and other deceptive practices.


Scratchie scams take the form of fake scratchie cards that promise some sort of prize, on the condition that the 'winner' pays a collection fee.


Scratchie cards are commonly utilized in promotions, lotteries, or competitions, enticing participants with the opportunity to 'scratch and win an instant prize, ' which may include travel or holiday packages. Unfortunately, some unscrupulous individuals engage in scratchie scams, promising immediate rewards. However, upon contacting the alleged trader to claim the prize, victims are coerced into making payments for various 'fees' through methods like wire transfers or prepaid money cards.

The scammer may go a step further, soliciting bank details and photo identification under the guise of prize verification. To lend an air of legitimacy to the scheme, the scam package often includes professionally crafted brochures, typically featuring accommodations, designed to mislead victims into believing in the authenticity of the competition. Additionally, the package may furnish contact details for an overseas business and provide a web address for a fraudulent yet professionally designed website.

The upfront payment demanded by the scammer can be exorbitant, sometimes reaching several thousand dollars. Regrettably, those who succumb to these demands not only fail to receive the promised prize but also forfeit their money with no recourse for recovery. Furthermore, divulging personal details during the process exposes victims to potential identity crimes and further deceptive activities.

It is crucial to exercise caution, verify the legitimacy of such offers, and refrain from providing sensitive information or making payments unless the authenticity of the promotion is unquestionably established. Staying vigilant against these deceptive practices is essential to safeguarding oneself from financial loss and potential identity theft.


  • You may receive a letter or brochure in your mailbox containing scratchie cards, typically comprising two cards—one indicating a loss and the other suggesting a second or third prize win.
  • The scratchies instruct you to contact the company to claim the purported prize.
  • Upon making the call, the organization might assert that there was an error with the scratchies sent to you. However, they could propose a solution: pay a fee to enter the competition or become a customer to validate the win.
  • To collect your prize, you are requested to remit a fee or provide your bank account details. Additionally, you may be compelled to submit personal identification.
  • The trader facilitating the prize may assert that the offer has received government approval. This declaration is often coupled with a demand for payment of taxes ostensibly linked to the prize.

  • These deceptive tactics aim to exploit individuals by creating a façade of legitimacy. It is imperative to exercise caution, thoroughly scrutinize such communications, and refrain from sharing sensitive information or making payments unless the legitimacy of the offer is unequivocally verified. Remaining vigilant against these tactics is crucial in safeguarding oneself from potential financial loss and protecting personal information from misuse.


  • Exercise caution when confronted with a situation where payment is requested to claim a prize or winnings, as such solicitations are typically indicative of a scam.
  • Refrain from engaging in financial transactions, especially via money order or wire transfer, with individuals you are unfamiliar with. Recovering funds sent through these methods is often a rare and challenging endeavor.
  • Conduct a comprehensive internet search using the names, winnings, or contact details provided on the scratchie card to identify any references to potential scams. Vigilance in this regard can be instrumental in avoiding fraudulent schemes.
  • Protect your financial and personal information by steadfastly adhering to the principle of never sending money, disclosing credit card details, online account information, or copies of crucial personal documents to individuals whom you do not know or trust. Maintaining this level of caution is vital for safeguarding against potential financial losses and protecting your identity from misuse.


In the event that you suspect you have inadvertently shared your account details with a scammer, it is imperative to promptly reach out to your bank or financial institution. Timely communication with them will aid in implementing necessary measures to secure your account.

We strongly encourage you to report any encountered scams to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) through their dedicated "Report a Scam" page. Your collaboration in reporting scams not only contributes to the collective effort to alert and safeguard others but also assists in the ongoing monitoring of scam trends and the potential disruption of fraudulent activities.

When reporting, kindly provide comprehensive details of the scam contact you received, such as email content or relevant screenshots. Your input is invaluable in enhancing the effectiveness of scam prevention measures.

Additionally, we offer guidance on fortifying yourself against scams and provide information on where to seek assistance in case you have fallen victim to fraudulent activities. Vigilance and proactive reporting are pivotal in creating a safer online environment for everyone.



    Beware of Travel Scratchie Scams like 'Madly In Love Holiday' & 'Get It On Holiday

    The Commission issues a warning to the public, urging vigilance against two travel scratchie scams originating from Malaysia. These deceptive scratchies coerce individuals into paying fees to claim a prize, which, as reported by consumers, is never delivered. The scratchies distributed by Madly In Love Holiday and Get It On Holiday, particularly promoting their '13th Anniversary,' represent the latest manifestations of this persistent scam.

    The fraudulent scheme employs meticulously crafted travel brochures that exude professionalism. Within these brochures, it is claimed that substantial prizes await winners within the enclosed scratchie cards. One of the scratchie cards consistently reveals that the consumer has supposedly won a significant amount, such as $190,000 US dollars. However, those attempting to claim their prizes are informed that a substantial payment is required, often through Western Union or bank transfer, purportedly for essential taxes or fees before the prize can be released.

    Despite making the requested payment, consumers have reported not receiving their promised prizes. Consequently, if you receive unsolicited travel brochures and scratchies from Madly In Love Holiday and Get It On Holiday, it is strongly recommended to disregard such correspondence and refrain from sending any money. Scammers exploit the belief of some individuals in the authenticity of the prize, leading them to send money.

    In a prior warning in 2015, the Commission highlighted other Malaysian scratchie scams named Blazing Whale and November Rain. The Department of Internal Affairs has registered approximately 150 different 'travel agency' names associated with this scam. The public is advised to remain vigilant and skeptical of unsolicited travel-related communications, especially those requiring financial transactions.


    This mail scratchie scam is targeting you

    The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is issuing a heightened alert to seniors concerning a mail scratchie scam originating from Malaysia. This deceptive scheme revolves around a brochure purportedly from a fictitious travel company named Sweet Summer Tour. The brochure includes two scratchies, alleged to be part of a promotional celebration marking the company's 13th-year anniversary in business.

    Within the deceptive materials, the company falsely claims to have notable brands, including IT giant Seagate and Trip Advisor, as "official partners" in the competition. Notably, both Seagate and Trip Advisor have promptly distanced themselves from any association with Sweet Summer Tour. A Seagate spokeswoman explicitly stated that the company has no affiliation with Sweet Summer Tour, and the unauthorized use of their name and logo is disavowed.

    The ACCC website reaffirms the warnings about the prevalence of scratchie scams, emphasizing the need for public awareness and caution. This underscores the importance of remaining vigilant against deceptive practices, especially those targeting vulnerable demographics such as seniors. The ACCC continues to play a crucial role in educating the public about such scams, urging individuals to report any suspicious activities and to exercise caution in the face of unsolicited communications or promotions.


If you feel you've been a victim to a scam and would like to report it, or simply want more information, you can visit the ACCC's Scam watch website for further details.