Profile details of Scammer naomi emissah


Scammer naomi emissah


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This lady contacted me in the end of June, expressing her wish that "..I shall hope that in the future, we shall be very good friends, and can and more." The difference of age between us did not seem to bother her: "Age is just a number". Gradually the feelings for me got stronger, and she started to mention the possibility of a meeting in my country. Her vacations were soon to begin, and she would contact a travel agency to find out about everything regarding such a travel . She also asked me to send her my home address, telephone number, nearest airport etc. Next step was to go to Embassy in Nur-Sultan for interview. The only problem was how to pay for the tickets: "Now I feel guilty muself. I did not manage to do all myself for our meeting. I thought nothing would prevent me from meeting you. But I must pay the rest of the money for the ticket It's just 408 euros." She also put some slight pressure on me: "I must pay it till the august 9. Otherwise I will loose the money I have paid and I will loose the chance to see you." Of course she felt both guilty and ashamed

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